
The Editors, Download page for JVEditW99 and JVPerform99

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JV~XP Editor
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  Here you can download the 48 day's trial programs. You can register with me personal by Paypal.
send me an email so you can receive a registery file. See the 'About Box' in the program.
Who? Where? What?
Win XP users: JVPerform2003 Performance Editor for the JV XP series. 456 kb.
Drag-Drop, Im- and Export of sysex files, Patchfinder.
Win 95 / 98 users: JVPerform99 Performance Editor for the JV XP series. 398 kb.
Drag-Drop, Im- and Export of sysex files, Patchfinder.
Win95 Win98
Win95 / 98 users: JVEditW99 JV-XP Patch editor. 48 day's trial. 402 kb. Win95 Win98
Win95 / 98 users: MidimonTC A handy midimonitor with Timecode window and active sensing option. Recieves sysex dumps up to 500kb.
(no send yet) Freeware 175kb.
Win95 Win98
Registered users: JVEdit99d JV-XP Patch editor update for registered users.
368 kb.
Win95 Win98
Very early users: Expansionboards text-files Just copy them into the directory. All

All users please read the readme.txt file before Unzipping.
Also have a look at the

You'll need winzip or another unzipping program to unpack these files.

If you like to support JVEdit and JVPerform please contact me at dreamstd [at] xs4all.nl
I can send you a Paypal payment request. Support via ShareIt is not possible anymore.
All contact will be direct personally with me. If you have any trouble with the
zip files or the programs please
contact me.


- Updated november 4 - 2016