JVPerform now runs with Windows-XP, go to the
download page
and download JVPerform2003 now!
When you want to read the timecode from your DAT
or VCR and you have a midi-interface with SMPTE?
Try this nice
JVEditW99 now can be placed in any directory.
Added dragdrop functionality.
The JV-XP Performance Editor, with the same
friendly user interface as the
JVEditW99 program, is finished. It's called
JVPerform99. Have a look at the screens
The latest
version of the JVEdit Patch Editor
is called JVEditW99.
When you register, you'll receive a registration
key within two day's.
There is a new function [Copy
added. You can copy all tonedata from one tone to
one or more (all) tones with one mouseclick.
Old news for new readers:
Use this editor for your JV1010.
Added a [Save To JV] USER-bank
or CARD-bank Button for easy and
fast saving.
There is also a button to work with the
effects-editor in performance mode.
A Sysex receive bug, which crashed the program
when editing common-patchparameters
on the XP50, XP60 or XP80 itself, is corrected.