Dear User,
Before unzipping: Unzip (extract) to a drive with [ Use Directory
Names ] on.
All the appropriate directories and file copy's will be made.
If you don't want to do this, (for whatever reason) look at
directory structure and:
Make a directory: JVEditW99 or something you like
with subdir: EXP.TXT, and subdir: PATCHES. (these names are
You can see this in the zip archive. I've selected 'save
directory names'.
Please place the files in the appropriate directories.
A b o u t - t h e - p r o g r a m :
You can choose the height
and velocity of the editnote with the noteoutwindow,
see menu options or press [F10].
Have fun,
Nils Andriessen.
- Updated 29 november 1999 -